updated: 2022-05-03_12:33:00-04:00

Data Analysis & Visualization

Capturing your audience and showing them what they want to see in one chart

Public Data https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/index.php

Simple Linear Regression Assignment

Information Visualization

appropriate visualization is important...

What is Data Science?
Using data to answer questions
Somebody who combines the skills of software programmer, statistician, and storyteller slash artist

Big Data

Volume, Velocity, Variety: Qualities of Big Data

  • Volume: Large datasets
  • Velocity: Data generated and collected very quickly
  • Variety: Different types of data available

What is Data? A set of values of qualitative or quantitative variables.

EMR: Electronic Medical Records (messy data)

Questions come before data

  • Ask a question before you start looking at data. Look for data that is relevant


getwd() # Pwd  
myfunction <- function(){  
	x <- rnorm(100) # 100 random numbers  
	mean(x) # return the mean  
source("mean.r") # source file, replaces previous source file  
x # print x  
print(x) # print x  
msg <- "hello"  
x <- 1:30 # x now holds 1 2 3 4 ... 30  
x <- 20 # x is Numeric  
x <- 20L # x is integer  
typeof(x) # returns type, class seems to do the same thing  
x <- NaN # not a number  
x <- c('a', 'b', 'c') # concatination, replace x with a b c  
x <- 5 # x is a double  
x <- as.integer(x) # x is now an integer  
m <- matrix(nrow=2, ncol=3) # matrix initialized with NA  
dim(m) # print rows,columns  
attributes(m) # also prints rows and columns?  
n <- matrix( 1:25 ,5 ,5 ) # fills columns then rows  
# Output:  
#      [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]  
# [1,]    1    6   11   16   21  
# [2,]    2    7   12   17   22  
# [3,]    3    8   13   18   23  
# [4,]    4    9   14   19   24  
# [5,]    5   10   15   20   25  
m <- 1:10  
# [1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10  
dim(m) <- c(2,5) # change dimension of m  
#      [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]  
# [1,]    1    3    5    7    9  
# [2,]    2    4    6    8   10  
x <- 1:3  
y <- 10:12  
cbind(x,y) # Column bind  
#      x  y  
# [1,] 1 10  
# [2,] 2 11  
# [3,] 3 12  
rbind(x,y) # Row bind  
#   [,1] [,2] [,3]  
# x    1    2    3  
# y   10   11   12  
x <- list(1, "a", TRUE) # Stores values as vectors of vectors  
# <span class="missing-link" style="color:darkred;">1</span>  
# [1] 1  
# <span class="missing-link" style="color:darkred;">2</span>  
# [1] "a"  
# <span class="missing-link" style="color:darkred;">3</span>  
# [1] TRUE  
x <- factor(c("yes","yes","no","yes","no")) # Levels will become labels?  
# [1] yes yes no  yes no  
# Levels: no yes  
class(x) # Check the class  
# "factor"  
unclass(x) # basically categorize  
# [1] 2 2 1 2 1  
# attr(,"levels")  
# [1] "no"  "yes"  
factor (c(...), levels = c("yes","no")) # manually defining levels  
is.na(x) # is value empty?  
is.nan(x) # is it NaN  
x <- data.frame (foo=1:4, bar=c(T,T,F,T)) # Matrix with labels  
#   foo   bar  
# 1   1  TRUE  
# 2   2  TRUE  
# 3   3 FALSE  
# 4   4  TRUE  
data <- read.csv("input.csv") # data from csv into data.frame  
sal <- max(data$salary) # calculate the max value from the data  dataframe from column salary  
help("read.csv") # pull up a help document  
x <- 1:3  
names(x) <- c("foo","bar","xyz") # name columns of x  
list(a=1,b=2) #name them right off the bet  
dimnames(x) <- list(c("a","b"), c("c","d")) # name rows then columns  
dput(x,file = "y.R") # text form of R object  
y <- deget("y.R") # R object from text  
x <- "foo"  
y <- data.frame(a=1, b="a")  
dump(c("x","y"),file = "data.R")  
con <- file("input.txt","r") # read  
data <- read.csv(con)  
con <- url("https://swirlstats.com/students.html","r")  
x <- readLines(con,10)  
  • <- is assignment operator
  • one source file per
  • Everything is an object (by default vector)
  • factors are usually for categorical data
  • Pasted image 20220208132128

Types of Data

  • char (string)
  • numeric AKA Double (real numbers, double precision)
  • integer
  • complex
  • logical
  • vector (only one kind of data)
  • list (array), can have more than one kind of data

Data Attributes

  • name
  • dimnames
  • dimensions
  • class
  • length
  • userdefined


  • double square brackets [[]] always returns a list
  • Single brackets, you can put a range in
  • You can also put in a condition ie:
x <- c("a","b","c","a","e","a")  
# [1] "b" "c" "e"  
u <- x >"a"  
# [1] "b" "c" "e"  
complete.cases(x,y) # truth table  
  • I think a list is a collection of vectors
  • x _ y vs x % _ % y
  • Pasted image 20220210133755


  • ls(environment(cube))
  • like scheme: functional programming
  • if it cannot find a variable locally, it will look globally etc higher and higher up


Data Preprocessing

  • This comes before data analysis

Raw -> Preprocessing -> clean data -> data analysis -> presentation

Data: A set of values of qualitative or quantitative variables, belonging to a set of items

Need to document the process for processing

Raw: No manipulation, at all

  • Make sure there's only one measured variable per column
  • one observation of said variable per row
  • one variable per table
  • one table per file


  • Choose a dataset
  • Come up with hypothesis/questions

Report of project:

  1. Where is data coming from? (public)
  2. 1 paragraph what is it about?
  3. 5+ questions you want to answer with data.

Going to be a class presentation with an R file (well documented)

Regression Algorithms

  • Machine Learning regression algorith:

    • Trying to draw conclusions from data
  • midterm: for every activity, for each


  • Sentiment analysis
  1. Close? -> distance
  2. group
  3. visualize groups
  4. interpret

How do we measure distance?
Euclidian: traditional

Hierarchical Clustering

  • automatic, dendogram

K Means Clustering

  • partitioning approach
    • centroids of each cluster

Principal Compound Analysis (Singular value decomposition)

  • Matrix can only hold one kind of data, Frame can store different types
  • demensionality reduction
  • X is a matrix
    • when you apply the SVD function you get 3 vectors
    • U: left singular
    • D: diagonal
    • V$^T$: (t is transpose, rows to columns...) right singular


  • independent identical distribution
  • P(A$\cap$B)= P(A) * P(B)
  • Don't multiply probabilities if not an iid


  • Probability Density Function
  • Area under PDFs corresponds to the probabilities for that random variable

To be a valid PDF:

  1. It must be larger than or equal to zero everywhere
  2. The total area under it must be 1

Area under a chunk of curve is the probability that something is in that chunk

The proportion of help calls addressed in a random day:
f(x) = {2x for 0 < x < 1; 0 otherwise}
is this a valid PDF? (yes, area is 1)

Cumulative Distribution Function

A CDF of a random variable C, returns the probability that a random variable X is less than or equal to a value x
F(x)= P(X<=x)

Survival Function

A SF of a random variable C, returns the probability that a random variable X is greater than a value x

S(x)= P(X>x)
S(x) = 1 - F(x)

F(x)= P(X<=x)
= 1/2 _ base _ height
= 1/2 _ x _ 2x
= x^2

So probability of 40% or fewer calls answered in a single day is answered by CDF
x = 0.4
CDF = 0.4^2 = 0.16, or 16%

probably of one given roll is odd on a 6 sided die is P(A/B) = P(A$\Cap$B)/P(B)= 1/3


  • P(A|B)= P(A$\cap$B)/P(B)

Baye's Rule


  • Probability of b given a (reverse)
  • $\frac{P(A|B)P(B)}{P(A|B)P(B) + P(A|B^{c})P(B^{c})}$
    • and - are the events that are the result of a diagnostic test (positive and negative)
  1. D and D$^c$ are the events that the subject of the test has or does not have the disease respectively
  2. Sensitivity is the probability of getting a positive result given that the subject has the disease
  3. Specificity is the probability of getting a negative result given that the subject does not have the disease
  4. Positive predictive value is the probability of the subject having the disease given that the test is true
    P(D | +)
  5. Negative predictive value is the probability of the subject not having the disease given that the test is false
    P(D$^c$ | -)
  6. Prevalence of the disease is the marginal probability of the disease

P(D|+), P(+|D), P(-|D$^c$)

if a subject from a population with 0.1010 prevalence receives a test, what is the positive predictive value?
P(D) = 0.01
P(D|+) = $\frac{P(+|D)P(D)}{P(+|D)P(D)+ P(+|D^c)P(D^c)}$


6.2% that the subject has the disease


Two events A and B are independent if P(A$\cap$B) = P(A)P(B)
equivalency if P(A|B)=P(A)

Two random variables, x and y are independent for two sets A and B
P([x $\subset$ A]$\cap$[y $\subset$ B]) = P(x$\subset$A)P(y$\subset$B)

if A is independent of B the probability that the test is true
A$^c$ is independent of B
A is independent of B$^c$
A$^c$ is independent of B$^c$

Expected Values

  • Looking at the characteristics of expected values
    • How much of entire population does this sample represent?

The Process of making conclusions about a general population from sample data (from the general population)

Making conclusions: characteristics of the distribution

Mean is characterized as the center
Variance and SD are characterization of how spread out the distribution is

Population Mean

  • x -> random variable
  • PMF (probability mean function) -> P(x)
  • E[x] = SUM xP(x)

So for a fair coin:

E(x)= 0 * 0.5 + 1 * 0.4 = 0.5

Sample Mean

  • $\bar{x}$ = $\sum\limits_{x=1}^{n}x_{i}P(x_{i})$
  • if we have n points that are equally likely:
    • $P(x_{i})$ = $\frac{1}{n}$
    • eg: a die


E(x) = 0 * P + 1 * (1-P) = P

Expected value

Exactly the center of mass for the density function

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  1. Expected values are properties of distributions
  2. The population mean is the center of mass of population
  3. The sample mean is the center of mass of the sample/observed data
  4. The sample mean is an estimate of the population mean
  5. The Sample mean is unbiased
  6. The more data that goes into the sample mean, the more concentrated its density/mass function

Density: continuous
Mass: discrete


  • How spread out or clustered data points are
  • X is a random variable with mean $\mu$
    • variance of x = E[(x-$\mu$)$^2$]= E[$x^2$]-E[x]$^2$

E[x^2] = 4 * 0.1 + 9 * 0.2 + 16 * 0.3 + 25 * 0.4
E[x] = 2 * 0.1 + 3 * 0.2 + 4 * 0.3 + 5 * 0.4

Variance = E[x^2]- E(x)$^2$ = 1

Variance of d6
E(x) =3.5

E(x^2)= 1 * 1/6 + 4 * 1/6 ...36 * 1/6

should equal something like 2.92

Unbiased coin:
E(x) = P
Variance should be P-P^2


Sample Variance

If Population Mean is the center of mass of the population, the Sample Mean is the center of mass for observed data

The Population Variance is the expected squared distance of a random variable.

$\sigma^2$ is population variance

The Sample Variance is the average squared distance of the observed observations minus the sample mean

$s^2$ = $\sum_{i=1}(x_i-\bar{x})^2/n-1$

  • Sample variance is a function of data
    • it is also a random variable
    • it is also a population distribution
    • that distribution has an expected value
    • that expected value is the population variance
    • that is what the sample variance is trying to estimate
  • As you collect more and more data, the sample variance gets more concentrated around the population variance

STD (sqrt variance)

  • Sample variance s^2 estimates the population variance $\sigma^2$
  • Distribution of sample variance is centered around $\sigma^2$
  • The variance of sample mean s^2/n
  • standard error is s/sqrt(n)
  • s is STD

But what is the standard error?
It talks about how variable averages of random samples of size n are from the population

If variance is 1, STD = sqrt(1) = 1


  • s^2 = variance = 4
  • means of random samples of n
  • s/sqrt(n) = 2/sqrt(n)

Variance of faircoin:
s^2 = 0.25
means of random samples of n = s/sqrt n = 1/2sqrt(n)

variance is squared, so if we are looking for a range it would be the mean +- the STD


Bernoulli Distribution

Binary Outcomes

Bernoulli random variables takes the values 1 and 0
with probability p and 1-p

Probability Mean Function (PMF) for a Bernoulli Random Variable:


mean: P
variance: P(1-p)

Binomial Trials

The binomial random variables are obtained as the sum of iid (independent and identically distributed) Bernoulli trials
let $x_{1}...x_{n}$ be iid Bernoulli

then $X=\sum\limits_{i=1}^{n}x_{i}$
where X is the binomial random variable

the binomial mass $P(X=x)=(^{n}_{x})p^{x}(1-p)^{n-x}$


Suppose a friend gets 7H from 8 flips of a fair coin...
If each outcome has an independent 50% prob.
what is the prob. of getting 7H or more in 8 flips?

$(^{8}{7})\cdot (0.5)^{7}(1-0.5)^{1}+(^{8}{8})\cdot (0.5)^{8}(1-0.5)^{0}\approx 0.04$

R code:

choose(8,7)* 0.5^n + choose(8,8)*0.5^8  
# or  
pbinom(6, size=8, prob=0.5, lower_tail=false)  

Normal Distribution (Gaussian)

A random variable is said to follow normal or Gaussian distribution with mean $\mu$ and variance $\sigma^2$ is associated density function

bell curve = $(2\Pi\sigma^{2})^{-1/2}e^{-(x-\mu)^{2}/2\sigma^{2}}$

if x is a RV with this density, then E[x] = $\mu$
var(x) = $\sigma^{2}$

$X~N(\mu,\sigma^{2})$ when $\mu$ = 0 and r$^2$ = 1, then x is a standard normal random variable

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Choosing a regression model

Least square method


slope is cor(x,y)* sd(y)/sd(x)

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y = 2.41x - 0.83
x = 2 => y = 2.41 * 2 - 0.83 = 3.99
etc for x = 5,7

x <- c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7)  
y <- c(1.5, 3.8, 6.7 etc)  
cor(x,y) will give you a value for how they are correlated  
slope <- cor(x,y)*(sd(y)/sd(x))  
intercept <- mean(y) - (slope * mean (x))  
abline(lsfit(x,y),lwd=2, lty=2,col="blue")  

You want to minimize the mean squared error (MSE)

For a particular line, we want to sum up the difference between the y value (actual for points we have) and the y value of the line we are testing

$\Sigma (y_{i}-\hat{y}_{i})^{2}/n$

Have to plot base plot first, then run manipulate on ggplot

  1. Empirical mean
    $\bar{x}= \frac{1}{n}\sum^{n}{i=1}x{i}$
    if we subtract the mean from data poins we get data that has mean 0
    $\tilde{x}_{i}$ is a data point that has mean 0

We can get the least square solution by minimizing $\sum\limits^{n}{i=1}(x{i}-\mu)^2$

  1. Empirical SD & Variance
    $s=\sqrt{s^2}$ is standard deviation
    $\frac{x_i}{s}$ => a data point that has standard deviation 1

  2. Scaling the data

Regression (again)

  • Let's do home pricing:
  • y vs x (price vs. sqr. footage)
  1. Training Data
  2. Feature Extraction
  3. ML Model
  4. Quality Metric (maybe go back to manipulate model)
  5. feed back to training data

Beta values are the coefficients of each power in a polynomial